Sunday, August 14, 2005

The Full Flap

This takes some doing, I have never managed to capture the full flap in action as well as this - with drool everywhere too - it is something to behold, but I often wonder if it is the route of all weimaraner's issues - shaken weim syndrome??

Dexter is a Weimaraner.

Ooh, that smells good...

I might even get up and have a check...

Dexter is a Weimaraner.

But I want to be in the photo too...

Give me a sec, I'll get there...

Dexter is a Weimaraner.

I dont really like horses

They just spook me, all that clip clopping and stuff, I tend to give them the full howl treatment just in case they haven't noticed me yet

Dexter is a Weimaraner.

I promise I wont do it again...

Go on, let me out, I wont, honest...

Dexter is a Weimaraner.

Its like sneezing...

Once you start it off, they nearly always join in...

Dexter is a Weimaraner.

Sunday, August 07, 2005

Flat Dog...

Yep, you are right Dexter, we treat you so badly, its shocking!

Dexter is a Weimaraner.