You weren't going anywhere were you?
Thought not.

Dexter is a Weimaraner.

Dexter is a Weimaraner.
I am a weimaraner called Dexter. The Management, thats Dave and Leza, have set me up with a blog so I can tell you about my life and the stuff that goes on in my world. Being a dog is a pretty good life, things are pretty simple really and this blog is a reminder to you all that life doesn't have to be that complicated.
I love Dexter and the managements' witty descriptions of his antics...I also adopted a big male weim (Odin) here in Florida. Odin was 3 1/2 yrs old when I got him, now he is 5 yrs old. I would love to hear more about your boy....if you'd like you can contact me at
love the site, weims have wonderful personalities. It is superb to see ours have similar traits. please carry on love the site. Steve, Ellen & Jasper
I'm a weimaraner and I also have a blog (, and I was wondering if I could put a link on my blog to your blog. Could you please answer back somehow? Thanks
Just an FYI - there are a lot of other weims putting up websites now. I have links from my site ( I think you started a revolution.
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